
How do I get there?


Bondgenotenlaan 21
3000 Leuven

By foot / bike

We strongly recommend you to come on foot, by bike or by public transport.
It's healthier, cheaper and more eco-friendly.

If you come by bike, it is best to park your ride in the underground bicycle parking at Rector De Somerplein. It's a secure, dry and free parking lot!

open: Sundays to Wednesdays: 8.00 AM > 0.00 AM / Thursdays to Saturdays: 8.00 AM > 3.00 AM

By bus

Use bus stop Rector De Somerplein.
Calculate your itinerary with delijn.be or use the app (for iPhone or Android).

On Friday and Saturday night (between 23.00 and 03.00 h) De Lijn also organises night busses. Check the planner for the exact time tables.
You can use the extended services earlier on the evening.

By car

If you prefer to come by car, please take note of the circulation plan.
The 30CC/Schouwburg is located in the pedestrian zone (type 2) of the centre of Leuven.

The Schouwburg is only accessible by car

    There are no public parking spaces at our Schouwburg. Find a parking spot in Leuven.

    Note: Persons with disabilities can be dropped off at the theatre, but cannot park. Outside window times, you will also need an access permit. If you have a national parking card, you can apply for one.

    Where is my seat?

    The 30CC/Schouwburg consists of an arena and three balconies. 



      The 30CC/Schouwburg can easily be accessed by wheelchair. All necessary adaptations are available, such as access ramp, adapted door width, accessible restroom, elevator ...

      We also have reserved seats for people in wheelchairs in the stalls (boxes 11 and 12) and on the first balcony.
      These seats are exclusively available for wheelchairs, up to 2 weeks prior to the show. Past this deadline they become available to the general public.

      Note for all visitors: the elevator doesn't go to the third balcony.


      For people with impaired hearing or eyesight we always reserve some seats on the first row of the arena.
      These seats also remain exclusively reserved up to 2 weeks prior to the show.


      Your assistance dog is of course always welcome.

      Technical contact

      General: +32 (0)16 27 40 51 – techniek@30CC.be
      download the technical information

      Rent 30CC/Schouwburg

      Are you looking for an appropriate venue to host your play or concert?
      Our 30CC/Schouwburg can be rented! It's our biggest venue, with the most complete technical equipment.

      Please use the registration form for your rental application.
      For all details: please consult the retributions (retributiereglement) and rental conditions (verhuurvoorwaarden).
      For the technical equipement: please consult the technical rider.
      All documents are only available in Dutch.