
This cookie policy regulates the use of cookies and similar technology as part of the website and related services.

By using our website and/or our services, or by clicking the cookie opt-in checkbox, you declare that you have carefully read this cookie policy and that you unreservedly agree with it. You can modify your cookie preferences at all times.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer/device to remember your preferences while surfing the internet.
Cookies will never store personal data, such as your name, address, age or other characteristics. Only your preferences and interests related to your surfing behaviour will be stored.

The use of cookies is completely safe. We want you to know which cookies are being used on our website, and to what purpose. In doing so we want to safeguard your privacy as well as the usability of our website. 

Below you'll find more on the cookies we use on our website and to what purpose.

What cookies does this site use?

On our website we use the following cookies:

  • Functional and essential cookies (also called strictly necessary cookies)
    These cookies are necessary to allow you to surf on our website properly. They allow you to navigate on the website (p.ex. use of 'back' button) and use its functions. They also augment the usability of the website by remembering your preferences (p.ex. preferred language).
  • Performance cookies
    Performance cookies collect anonymous data on the usage of our website. Amongst these anonymised data are (p.ex.) the number of visitors, the time they spend on a webpage, error messages and the channels that bring visitors to our site. 
    All aggregated data is subsequently processed and analysed with Google Analytics. These statistics provide us with crucial information on the usage of our site and they allow us to improve the structure, navigation and content and thus your user experience. All statistics and reports are always anonymous and can never be traced back to individual visitors.
  • Advertising cookie
    With the Facebook Conversion Pixel, we monitor the sales channel in the (rare) case we use a Facebook advert. This third-party cookie allows us to monitor and adapt our advert when needed. The information is not stored by 30CC, only added to the Facebook profile of the individual visitor.
  • Other third-party cookies
    By the way the internet and websites function, we do not always control the third-party cookies that are being included in our webpages. This is specifically the case when we embed elements such as texts, documents, images or films.
    Should you encounter a third-party cookie on our website that does not fall under the categories mentioned above, please let us know. Or contact the third-party directly and ask them which cookies they install, to what purpose and how your privacy is being protected.

Links to other websites

On our website, you'll find a great number of links to other websites.
Although these websites have been carefully selected, we cannot take any responsibility or liability regarding the use of your personal data by these websites. We strongly advise you to check the privacy statement of the websites you're visiting.

How to manage your cookies

Most browsers automatically accept cookies. 

If you would like to block cookies, you can adapt your web browser settings to issue a warning each time a cookie is to be installed. You can also change your settings in order to block all cookies (or only third-party cookies) and can also remove cookies that have been installed. Please be advised that you need to adapt your settings for each browser and each device you use.

Please note that certain areas of our website can only be accessed by having cookies enabled and you should be aware that disabling cookies may prevent you from accessing some of our content and enjoying the full features of our website.

Changing the settings varies for each browser. When needed, please refer to the help section of your browser:

Privacy statement

Besides the cookies linked to our website and/or services, we also collect and process your personal data when you use our services. To find out more about this, please read our Privacy statement.


This cookie policy will be updated from time to time, in order to keep up with changes in our website or regulations regarding the use of cookies. The content of this statement and our cookies can be modified at all times and without prior warning. You can always find the most recent version on this webpage.

Latest update: September 2020.